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发布时间:2024-09-26 07:20:13【篮球快讯】人次阅读

摘要 [Post Game Thread] The Memphis Grizzlies (14-22) blow out the Los Angeles Clippers (25-12) 140-114 behind Jae Crowder 27/8/7.【赛后帖】孟菲斯灰

[Post Game Thread] The Memphis Grizzlies (14-22) blow out the Los Angeles Clippers (25-12) 140-114 behind Jae Crowder 27/8/7. 【赛后帖】孟菲斯灰熊(14胜22负)今天在客场以140-114大胜洛杉矶快船(25胜12负)。 克劳德27分8篮板7助攻3断,贾伦-杰克逊24分6篮板4帽,狄龙-布鲁克斯22分3篮板3助攻,莫兰特22分4篮板9助攻,泰厄斯-琼斯11分2篮板5助攻2断,瓦兰丘纳斯9分12篮板3助攻3帽;哈雷尔28分9篮板3助攻,路威24分2篮板7助攻,莱昂纳德24分8篮板3助攻2断5失误,沙梅特10分4篮板,祖巴茨8分11篮板。 ———————— [–]carl73833 193 指標 4小時前 Grizzlies young core of JJJ and Ja is going to wreak havoc on the league for years to come 灰熊年轻核心小贾伦和莫兰特今后很多年里将在联盟掀起腥风血雨。 [–]Thunder amari_prince[ ] 19 指標 4小時前 Ja Morant is simply special, he picks his shots well, great vision and playmaking, and he can score, wow 雷霆球迷:莫兰特简直不一般啊,他的投篮选择很棒,视野和组织能力都有,还能得分,厉害啊 [–][MEM] Marc Gasol ComanderArc 7 指標 4小時前 When we have four J in our starting 5, our chances to win go up by a 100%. Leagues fucked, Joel Embiids coming to Memphis when his contract ends. We are that team again, able to win against anyone and lose against anyone. We are spooky, scary is coming soon! 灰熊球迷:首发五人里有莫兰特、杰克逊、克劳德和瓦兰这四个人的时候,我们取胜的几率就上升到了100%。联盟等着完蛋吧,恩比德合同到期后就来我们孟菲斯。 我们现在又复苏了,能赢任何对手,也能输任何对手。等不了多久,我们就会让你们感到害怕! [–]Wish_I_was_SteveLacy 74 指標 3小時前 Yeah and dont forget Brandon Clarke, he has potential to be a very important player on a playoff team down the line 对啊,也不要忘了布兰登-克拉克,他以后可以在一支季后赛球队成为重要一员,他有这个潜力。 [–]svelteness 27 指標 3小時前 That team will be Memphis, if not this year then next year. 那支球队会是孟菲斯,如果不是这赛季,那就是下赛季 [–]Wish_I_was_SteveLacy 11 指標 3小時前 Yeah I can see it happening next year already 是啊,我觉得就在下赛季 [–]Mavericks VictorAkwaowo1 50 指標 4小時前 Don’t forget Brooks 独行侠球迷:别漏了布鲁克斯啊 [–]Grizzlies NihilistFinancier 34 指標 4小時前 grizzlies 9-0 when Dillon brooks scores 20+ 灰熊球迷:布鲁克斯得分上20的时候,我们9胜0负 [–][BOS] Jaylen Brown Ye_Biz 11 指標 3小時前 I swear this happens every time, right when the C’s got the Kings pick they over-achieve and nearly make the playoffs. Now Grizzlies are already over-achieving too 凯尔特人球迷:我感觉年年都是这个套路,我凯当初拿了国王选秀签的时候,他们就超常发挥,差点打进季后赛。现在灰熊也已经超常发挥了。 [–]Warriors Balls_of_Adamanthium 184 指標 4小時前 Kawhi with a solid efficient 24 points on 24 shots. 勇士球迷:莱昂纳德24次出手拿到了很稳的24分 [–][CLE] Cedi Osman FormerlyElgarmanvenn 118 指標 4小時前 Also a -22 and had 5to/3a lol you love to see it 骑士球迷:5次失误3助攻,还有-22的正负值哦,喜闻乐见! [–]Warriors Balls_of_Adamanthium 78 指標 4小時前 He's been pretty inefficient this year so far. With all the resting he's been doing you'd think he'd be better. 勇士球迷:他这赛季打得一直很低效。明明老是休息,不是应该表现更好点嘛 [–]Grizzlies Python2k10 52 指標 3小時前 Effeciency management 灰熊球迷:这就是效率管理 [–]Lakers ttam23 97 指標 4小時前 Dude plays like prime MJ against us and then has performances like this against other teams 湖人球迷:这哥们儿打我湖的时候跟巅峰乔丹一样,打其他对手就今天这种表现 [–]Lakers colbywill27 45 指標 4小時前 Rather have us shit the bed against them in the regular season than the playoffs... they still haven’t played Playoff LeBron yet 湖人球迷:那我宁愿我湖在常规赛打快船提不起劲,也好过季后赛这样……快船还没见识到季后詹的厉害呢! [–]shanmustafa 255 指標 4小時前 are we allowed to criticize Kawhi? cause his defense in that fourth quarter switching and helping on JJJ was horrendous 可以批评小卡吗?因为他在第四节换防后对小杰克逊的协防真是差啊 [–]Lakers ToxiT[ ] 55 指標 3小時前 4th quarter "load management" 湖人球迷:小卡这是第四节负荷管理 [–]Spurs siphillis 70 指標 2小時前 He was saving his energy for offense. Shooting 8 for 24 takes effort. 马刺球迷:他那是在为进攻端留力呢,毕竟24投8中也是要费力的 [–]LoLstatpadder 15 指標 1小時前 He yelled kobe all night long 他整场都在喊科比 [–][LAL] Brandon Ingram xElectricW 193 指標 3小時前 Just a practice game for him, can’t criticize 湖人球迷:对他来说这就是场练习赛咯,不能批 [–]Rager_YMN_6 95 指標 3小時前 “He’S jUsT cOaStInG” “他就是划水而已” [–]Rockets balls_5 78 指標 2小時前 Kawhi has had some really rough shooting nights and no one talks about it 火箭球迷:小卡这赛季老有些投篮很铁的比赛,可是却没人说 [–]Jazz Swagsparian 10 指標 1小時前 Yeah, Kawhi is great but he is absolutely not the best player in the league right now 爵士球迷:是啊,小卡是很厉害,可他肯定不是现在联盟最强的 [–]76ers KagsTheOneAndOnly 93 指標 1小時前 Apparently Kawhis allowed to sleep through the regular season as long as he has a good postseason while Harden and Bron/AD and Giannis need to play 70+ games and have to make the Finals as well to be considered on par 76人球迷:很明显啦,大家都允许小卡常规赛混点,只要季后赛打得好就没事,可是呢,哈登、老詹、戴维斯和字母哥这些人就得打70多场常规赛,还得进入决赛,大家才觉得他们和小卡一个档次。 [–][LAL] Eddie Jones Kidfreedom50 20 指標 1小時前 The 180 on Kawhi after the Spurs shenanigans has been really weird to see. 湖人球迷:马刺那事儿过后大家对小卡的态度就180度大转弯,这真的是很奇怪 [–]Nuggets tacopower69 32 指標 1小時前 This sub likes attributing the success of teams to individuals, so when the raptors won it was all because of kawhi even though we can see they are clear playoff contenders even without him 掘金球迷:这个论坛就喜欢把球队的成功归功到个人头上,所以猛龙夺冠就都是小卡的功劳,可是咱们都知道,即便没有小卡,猛龙在季后赛也是有争冠实力的。 [–]Pelicans Robeccacorn 13 指標 1小時前 It was the perfect storm of circumstances IMO. Every year in the Lowry/Derozan era that team failed to deliver, came off an embarrassing sweep to one of the worst Lebron teams. Kawhi swoops in to save them was the perfect story. I've even seen people credit Siakam's development and Powell's resurgence to Kawhi alone. 鹈鹕球迷:我觉得这就是典型的时势造英雄。之前在洛瑞和德罗赞时代,猛龙年年掉链子,还在老詹待过的球队实力很差的时候,被他们尴尬横扫。然后小卡来拯救他们了,这就是个完美的故事。他们不光有小卡,我也看到有人认可西卡的成长和鲍威尔的崭露头角。 [–]Raptors murtle37 6 指標 4小時前* I’m biased af, but I don’t remember Kawhi having this many off games last year for the Raptors. Feels like the Clippers have a lot of talent but the pieces don’t fit right. Probably a premature reaction but Kawhi just looked way more comfortable last season and fit the Raptors like a glove where the clippers + Kawhi feels forced af. I just don’t see that team chemistry + hunger to win. I’m sure things could change once the playoffs hit, but the early signs have left a lot to be desired considering how dominant and consistent Kawhi was all year last season. And ya I know PG didn’t play but still, bad loss 猛龙球迷:虽说我是有私心的,可我不记得小卡上赛季在猛龙的时候像现在这样经常低迷吧。感觉快船是有很多天才球员,可是他们这些人没有整合到一块儿。也许这是早期反应,不过小卡上赛季在猛龙要打得舒服太多了,而且还无缝衔接,而他和快船就感觉很勉强。我就是看不到这支快船的化学反应和求胜欲。我相信到了季后赛的时候会有所改变,不过目前这些早期症状还是要解决的,毕竟小卡上赛季整个赛季都很有统治力且很稳定。 ———————— [–][LAL] Nick Van Exel A_Work_In_Progress23 150 指標 4小時前 Everybody get in here lmao 湖人球迷:哈哈哈哈哈,大家快来这儿集合咯! [–][LAL] Kyle Kuzma KingOfAllTheQuarters 10 指標 4小時前 Wtf I love the Grizzlies now 湖人球迷:我特么现在爱上灰熊了 [–]Lakers neecho235 3 指標 3小時前 Imagine getting blown out by Memphis. Couldn't be us. 湖人球迷:居然被灰熊打花了,我湖是做不到的 [–][LAL] Brandon Ingram xElectricW 10 指標 4小時前 How the hell do you let the Grizzlies score 140 on you lmao 湖人球迷:这特么是咋让灰熊在你头上得到140分的啊,哈哈哈 [–]Lakers vigillio 22 指標 4小時前 kawhi was getting swarmed anytime he went to the paint and the other guys, lou will and montrez aside, couldn't make shots. The grizzlies just played way harder than the clips did and they couldn't miss from 3. 湖人球迷:小卡只要一冲内线就被包围了,快船其他人除了路威和哈雷尔,都创造不了出手机会。灰熊打得比快船努力太多了,而且他们三分弹无虚发 [–]NBA urfaselol[S] 702 指標 3小時前 The Grizz shot 46.2% from three. 灰熊三分投出了46.2%的命中率啊 [–]Grizzlies WaxStatue 320 指標 3小時前 Yeah one might say we're pretty good at basketball 灰熊球迷:是哦,或许有人会说我们蛮厉害的 [–]Lakers Mono789 6 指標 3小時前 Shit, is Memphis going to make a run at the 8 seed? That'd be wild. 湖人球迷:擦,孟菲斯这是要冲西部第八了?刺激啊 [–]Grizzlies HighOnGoofballs 5 指標 3小時前 We’re really keeping Iggy for our own playoff run 灰熊球迷:其实我们留着伊戈达拉就是打季后赛的 [–][ATL] Mookie Blaylock terafunker 41 指標 3小時前 The Griz are on the upswing. Hope to meet you guys in the 2024 Finals. 老鹰球迷:灰熊现在处于上升期啊。希望能在2024年总决赛和你们相遇 [–]Grizzlies WaxStatue 36 指標 4小時前 Fo sho. Man a Grizz/Hawks finals would be nuts. I'd actually be able to drive to all 7 games. 灰熊球迷:那必须的啊。要是灰熊和老鹰打总决赛,那真是逆天了。那我7场比赛都要开车过去看。 [–]JetGan 191 指標 3小時前 Jae Crowder played like an All-Star holy 克劳德今天打得跟个全明星一样啊 [–]notsurewhereelse 864 指標 3小時前 Lebron furiously dialing up Crowder for dinner and drinks rn 老詹激动地拨通了克劳德的电话,要求一起吃个饭 [–]Lakers popcorninmapubes 217 指標 3小時前 Keep going 湖人球迷:你继续 [–]Wizards nova2006 131 指標 3小時前 Lakers has a tradition getting players from Memphis. 奇才球迷:湖人有从孟菲斯进货的传统哦 [–]Grizzliesc 10bbersaurus 111 指標 3小時前 Is there a Marc Crowder that the Lakers have the rights to? 灰熊球迷:湖人不是有那个“马克-克劳德”的使用权么? [–]Lakers Jayveesac 62 指標 3小時前 What about a Marc Iguodala 湖人球迷:是马克-伊戈达拉吧? [–]poundcake2010 13 指標 3小時前 I second this. 我同意。 [–]Grizzlies WaxStatue 16 指標 3小時前 We'll keep beating the Clippers for you if you'll give us two second's for Iggy. 灰熊球迷:要是你们用两个次轮签来换一哥,那我们以后还能帮你们干快船。 [–]Lakers spyirl 24 指標 2小時前 Nah. This is just the Clippers true nature. They play up to their competition and try so hard against the better teams. 湖人球迷:不了。这场比赛就是快船的真实属性。他们面对更强的对手就会提高竞争力,打得很卖力。 [–]76ers not_gorgui_dieng 498 指標 3小時前* This is a bad loss for the clips but the grizzlies deserve so much credit, they played phenomenal. Their defense today was next level, Clips struggled getting anything up in the paint all game, grizz entire defense was flying all over and collapsing on everything. Jae crowder was everywhere, on top of his 27 points. Grizz got the lead by burying 3s then in the 2nd half their guards attacked the paint relentlessly. They play very unselfish basketball, always moving and whipping the ball around to the open man. JJJ looked like a damn superstar today. relentless on the glass, shut everything down defensively and did alittle bit of everything on offense, showing things that 5s shouldnt be able to do. And ja just picks defenses apart. What a scary young duo they are 76人球迷:快船这场失利很难看,不过真得给灰熊点赞,他们的表现是现象级的。灰熊今晚的防守提高了一个档次,快船只要一进内线就难受,灰熊整体的防守无处不在,每球必争。克劳德不光是拿了27分,还哪哪都有他。灰熊用三分雨确立了领先优势,然后下半场用后卫没完没了地攻击对手内线。他们打得很无私,总是轮转,争取把球给到空位球员手里。 小杰克逊今天打得真特么像个超巨。有使不完的劲儿抢板,防守端万夫莫开,进攻端还能有点发挥。莫兰特就是撕裂对手防线,这俩人真是对恐怖的二人组。 [–]hedonismisblack 14 指標 3小時前 There was one offensive rebound I think JJJ got against like 3 Clippers players that really summed up his and this teams’ game. 小杰克逊有个回合在三个快船头上抢下一个进攻板,我觉得这个镜头正好总结了他和球队这场比赛的表现。 [–]Grizzlies WaxStatue 152 指標 3小時前 The thought of those two growing together here makes me creamy 灰熊球迷:一想到莫兰特和杰克逊一起成长我就美滋滋。 [–]Grizzlies Notsdlog 12 指標 3小時前 Clarke is literally the perfect third/fourth guy too 灰熊球迷:克拉克也算是完美的第三或第四人了。 [–][LAL] Brandon Ingram MasterOberon 19 指標 3小時前 You guy's have something special brewing. Always quietly rooted for Memphis during the grit and grind years. Just don't give Boston a super good pick 湖人球迷:你们这是打算搞个大动作啊。在黑又硬时期,我一直都默默支持者灰熊。反正别让凯尔特人拿到一个好签就是了。 [–]Raptors CapnJSmithy 47 指標 3小時前 As a grizz fan do you see JV as part of the long term plan along with the JJJ and morant? 猛龙球迷:熊蜜们看好瓦兰吗?他能和小杰克逊、莫兰特一起进入灰熊的长期计划之内吗? [–]Grizzlies WaxStatue 35 指標 3小時前 I think it really depends on our draft position in the next two years, and the available prospects. I don't think JV is a bad fit at all, but if we lucked out and got a shot at Wiseman we'd be dumb not to take it. I think we probably will be building with him as a key part, because more than likely our drafts will focus on 2's and 3's. 灰熊球迷:我真觉得这取决于未来两个赛季我们的选秀顺位,还有能拿到的新秀。我从不觉得瓦兰在队里不搭,不过如果我们运气够好,有机会抢到怀斯曼的话,要是不选他那就太蠢了。我觉得球队或许会把瓦兰当做关键成员来建队,毕竟我们的选秀签很可能会关注2号位和3号位。 ———————— [–]Lakers retespel 50 指標 4小時前 Loss management 湖人球迷:输球管理 [–]JetGan 95 指標 4小時前 Feel like the Grizzlies just wanted the W more today. 感觉今天就是灰熊更想赢球 [–]notsurewhereelse 120 指標 4小時前 Two possibilities: This proves that Literally any team can beat any team in the NBA Or Jae Crowder is prime Jordan but better 两种可能性: 这场比赛说明真的是联盟每个球队都能击败任一对手。 要不就是, 克劳德比巅峰乔丹还强 [–]Rockets throwawaymansk 33 指標 4小時前 That first option is stupid, for sure number 2 is the truth. 火箭球迷:第一个可能性很蠢,明显第二个才是真相。 [–]Trail Blazers yhtsr 25 指標 4小時前 I hate the statement "they just wanted it more." No, they outplayed the Clippers. Give credit where it's due, it's not like the Clippers "didn't want it." 开拓者球迷:我讨厌那种“就是他们更想赢球”之类的说法。不,就是灰熊打得比快船好。该夸就夸啊,别搞得像是快船“不想赢”一样。 [–]NB Aname_taken09 137 指標 4小時前 Clippers only show up vs the Lakers 快船只有在打湖人的时候才显山露水啊 [–][LAL] Brandon Ingram xElectricW 69 指標 2小時前 Say what you will about our schedule but at least we actually beat sub .500 teams 湖人球迷:随你咋说吧,至少我们能击败胜率没过半的球队。 [–]Supersonics Zeech180 205 指標 4小時前 Clippers lose = They don't care about regular season, playoffs is what matters. Clippers win = See, this is why they're the favorites. Best defense and bench in the entire league. 超音速球迷:快船输球=他们不在乎常规赛,季后赛才是重点。 快船赢球=看吧,要不怎么说人家是夺冠热门呢。联盟最强防守和板凳实力。 [–]Rockets rickjamesmvp 96 指標 3小時前 The media is on their dicks 火箭球迷:媒体老是跪舔他们。 [–][ATL] Mookie Blaylock terafunker 42 指標 3小時前 That Ballmer money goes a long way to stoke to the enthusiasm 老鹰球迷:鲍尔默有钱能使鬼推磨啊 [–]Krillin113 41 指標 3小時前 It’s really fucking weird, the Celtics/sixers/Nuggets lose and everyone goes ballistic, suggesting trades and what not. Meanwhile the Clips are 25-12 and it’s ‘fine’ 这特么确实很奇怪,凯尔特人、76人和掘金这些队一输球,大家就开喷了,还建议交易之类的。可快船现在也就25胜12负啊,这就是“没啥”。 [–]Lakers BritzlBen 22 指標 2小時前 Lakers are #2 in the league and yet just because 4 of their 7 losses came in a row people were talking about "Lakers aren't real contenders unless..." 湖人球迷:我湖目前排在联盟第二,可就是因为这7场失利里的那一波四连败,很多人就说“湖人不是真正的争冠球队,除非……” [–]atimeforvvolves 120 指標 4小時前 Why’d Kawhi play 35 min in a blowout. 为啥比赛都花了还让小卡打35分钟 [–]Grizzlies Wehavecrashed 16 指標 4小時前 They need wins. 灰熊球迷:快船需要胜利啊 [–][LAC] Marko JaricIn TheMorning_Nightss 21 指標 4小時前 Fucking unreal stupidity by Doc. Played him when we were down 20+ in the fourth. 快船球迷:里弗斯真特么蠢爆了,我们第四节落后20多分居然还上小卡 [–]Slobbin 37 指標 3小時前 Maybe sending a message? "You wanna sit out? Then go out there and win." 或许是释放一种信号? “你想休息?那就上场把比赛赢了!” [–]Grizzlies WaxStatue 16 指標 4小時前 As many times as he killed us while he was a Spur, I imagine they just thought he might single handedly get the Clippers back in it. 灰熊球迷:他在马刺的时候多次暴虐我们,我觉得他就是想着这次或许也能一己之力带走胜利。 [–]NBA corbpie 110 指標 4小時前 It’s a back to back, he ain’t playing tomorrow 这是场背靠背,小卡明天不会打的 [–][LAL] Brandon Ingram nerdymen242424 77 指標 3小時前 hopefully knicks clutch up tomorrow 湖人球迷:希望明天尼克斯能给力啊 [–]Knicks Exhibit5 71 指標 3小時前 We’re lacing up for our next streak 尼克斯球迷:我们在蓄力下一波连胜!! [–][ATL] Mookie Blaylock terafunker 15 指標 3小時前 For the first time in my life I'm legit rooting for the Knicks. Fuck Dolan, but seeing the team get shit on and mocked has gotten old and I'd personally love NYK to be good again so we can have real intra-city rivalries in both NYC and LA. 老鹰球迷:我这辈子真是第一次要支持尼克斯了。沙雕多兰,不过这些年看着尼克斯被喷被笑也乏了,我个人是很希望尼克斯再次崛起的,这样的话,咱们就能看到纽约和洛杉矶这两个城市的内斗了。 ———————— [–][LAC] Chris Paul CP3_for_MvP 183 指標 4小時前 This team has no fight, that mentality that got us wins last year is gone, and the intensity only seems to come out agaisnt the Lakers 快船球迷:这支球队没有血性,那种上赛季让我们取得成绩的意志力不见了,那种强度只有在打湖人的时候才看得见。 [–]Lakers Saint-West 28 指標 4小時前 You guys look like the best team in the league against us. I wonder if the Clippers have a similar problem we had where they play down to the opponents level and play lazy 湖人球迷:你们打我湖的时候看上去就是联盟最强队。我倒觉得快船是不是有和我湖一样的问题,就是对手不行的时候很懈怠。 [–]NBA urfaselol[S] 36 指標 3小時前 Lakers don't have that problem though? Aren't they undefeated against teams under .500? 可你湖没这个问题吧?难道他们这赛季面对胜率不过半的球队不是保持不败吗? [–]Timberwolves PFhelpmePlan 21 指標 3小時前 Look at last night's game or the Phoenix game. Should have been blowouts but ad and LeBron play heavy minutes because they can't close the door when they should. 森林狼球迷:那你看看他们昨晚或那场对太阳的比赛。本来是一场狂胜,可戴维斯、老詹还是打了很久,因为他们没能以应有的方式杀死比赛。 [–]Lakers Xyph3r 26 指標 3小時前 It's mostly Rondo and the bench unable to maintain or extend a lead. 湖人球迷:首锅是隆多的,而且我们的替补们也没法守住或者扩大优势。 [–]Clippers JimmyV034 119 指標 4小時前 what an embarrassment game. 快船球迷:我们这场是输得真丢人啊 [–]Luca NoDoncic 53 指標 4小時前 try to criticise our embarrasment of a team in the clips sub and theyll shit and piss themselves 我还想去快船专区批评球队的丢人,结果他们已经喷得不可开交了。 [–]Clippers JimmyV034 52 指標 4小時前 Our sub love to give excuses to be honest. Like there is no excuse for letting grizz score 140 points 快船球迷:有一说一,我们的专区喜欢找借口。你都让灰熊得140分了,还有啥借口啊 [–]LucaNoDoncic 69 指標 4小時前 I actually hate our sub. its just a circlejerk of saying 'lebron makin excuses lol' and then goin 'oh its just an off night/kawhi was out/bullshit refs' or whatever every time 我真蛮烦我们的专区。就是一帮杠精在那儿说“老詹又在找借口咯,呵呵呵”,要不就是“噢,这场就是没状态嘛,小卡不在啊,裁判垃圾”,次次如此。 [–]Clippers nepats523 12 指標 3小時前 Our sub sees Kawhi play his worst game for the season “Trade Lou and Trez” 快船球迷:他们看到小卡打出赛季最差表现之后说,“交易路威和哈雷尔”。 [–]Lakers spyirl 10 指標 2小時前 Lol our sub would bury the Lakers if we lost to the Grizz. Even now shit is tense because of Rondo and we're on a winning steak lol. 湖人球迷:哈哈哈哈,要是我们输给灰熊,那我们专区的唾沫会把湖人淹死。哪怕现在也是一堆喷隆多的,可我们明明还在连胜呢,哈哈 [–]Lakers FlacidTeeth 63 指標 3小時前 Man both LA subs are garbage. Actually all team subs are hot garbage. 湖人球迷:洛城这两个队的专区都是垃圾。实际上呢,所有球队的专区都很垃圾。 [–][CLE] LeBron James xDeathbotx 35 指標 3小時前 Hey! We 4 members over at the Cavs subreddit take offense to this! 骑士球迷:说啥呢!我们骑士专区的四个成功觉得被你这话冒犯了! [–][PHO] Shaquille O'Neal drunkkk_ 13 指標 3小時前 The Suns sub is pretty wholesome, everyone's just enjoying having a decent team again. Super positive on the whole 太阳球迷:太阳专区还是蛮好的,大家对于能再度看到一个靠谱的主队而感到享受。整体还是很正能量的 [–]Suns JFZephyr 8 指標 3小時前 It seems like most of the smaller market or rebuilding team subs are pretty fine. 太阳球迷:貌似大多数小球会或者重建期队伍的专区都很相安无事。 [–]Bucks Borisb3ck3r 89 指標 4小時前 Clippers seem everyday less and less like a contender 雄鹿球迷:快船这好像是越来越不像个争冠球队了。 [–]Bucks The_Sign_of_Zeta 36 指標 4小時前 So when do the worries actually show up about this team? People may point to Kawhi’s team last year, but the Raptors were consistently good with or without Kawhi. 雄鹿球迷:所以大家啥时候才会担心快船呢?大家上赛季或许会对小卡的球队指指点点,可是当时的猛龙不管小卡出不出场,一直都打得蛮好的。 [–]Supersonics Zeech180 50 指標 4小時前 They think everything with the Clippers is by design. If they lose, it's because they don't care and didn't try. If they win, it's because they actually tried and showed how they are the true 1 seed. They've escaped any criticism all season because of this. 超音速球迷:他们觉得快船的一切都是设计好的。如果他们输了,那是因为他们不在乎没出力。要是赢了,那就是他们确实出力了,这是在告诉大家他们才是真正的头号强队。 所以他们这个赛季才一直是不粘锅。 [–]JetGan 36 指標 4小時前 The Clippers highly touted defense has never shown up consistently and the offense outside of Lou and Trez has no flow. That’s a coaching issue. 快船之前那被大家狂吹的防守这赛季一直都不稳定,除了路威和哈雷尔,进攻也没有流畅性。这是教练的问题。 [–]76ers not_gorgui_dieng 29 指標 4小時前* The clippers defense is ranked 4th in the nba 76人球迷:他们的防守可是排在联盟第四 [–]Raptors 46_long 16 指標 4小時前 They’re an elite defensive team. One blowout loss doesn’t change that. Their biggest issue is a stagnant offence. 猛龙球迷:他们的防守还是顶级的。一场大比分失利不会改变什么。他们最大的问题在于进攻停滞。 [–][LAC] Marko JaricIn TheMorning_Nightss 7 指標 4小時前 Yep. We need another playmaker. People, especially Clipper fans, seem to really oversell Lou’s playmaking. He’s a good PnR guy, but otherwise cannot run any other offense and rarely gets others involved. 快船球迷:对的。我们还需要一个组织者。很多人,尤其是船蜜,好像真的过于高看路威的组织能力。他打挡拆很厉害,不过除此之外,其他进攻套路他是带不动的,几乎没有让其他人参与进来。 ———————— 来源:Reddit 编译:云长刮个痧




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